Family Lawyers
We are a boutique law firm in the Cayman Islands specialising exclusively in Family Law.

Finding the right balance for you and your family

Forward-thinking solutions
Pre and Post Nuptial Agreements
Avoid unnecessary legal wrangling in the future if and when a relationship breaks down.
Mediation in the context of family law is a voluntary, confidential process in which a neutral third person (a ‘mediator’) helps a separating couple to reach their own agreed outcomes in relation to issues arising from their separation.
Child Maintenance
Maintenance can be payable in respect of a parent’s contribution towards a child’s education costs, health insurance expenses, extra-curricular costs, special needs, general living expenses etc.
Divorce/ Separation
There are a range of potential issues arising from relationship breakdown particularly where there are children involved and assets to be divided.
Wills/ Guardianship
No one likes to think about issues of mortality but it is vitally important to think and plan ahead to ensure that those you leave behind are protected.
Children Arrangements
We regularly advise parents and act on their behalf in relation to all legal matters concerning children often with an international dimension.
Domestic Violence
We understand that acknowledging that you are in an abusive relationship is an extremely difficult thing for anyone to admit.
Team of family law
Utilising our professional network
and our many years of
family law experience,
we can tailor our approach
to ensure the best outcome
for you and your family.